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energy in Lubbock TX

Deregulation in Lubbock TX and What You Need to Know!

Choose Your Energy Provide by March 4th, 2024.

Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L) filed an application to join the ERCOT system which was approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas on March 8, 2018. Deregulation allows customers to shop around and choose an energy provider to potentially lower their cost while the utility continues to deliver energy to customers. After March of 2024, LP&L will no longer provide energy plans to their customers or any future customers. Energy consumers are encouraged to choose a new energy provider by March 2024 or succumb to a provider of last resort which could result in higher rates. If the time period to switch to a new provider expires, consumers still have the opportunity to shop, compare, and switch to a new provider. Keep in mind that certain contractual terms of the assigned or current provider may have to be fulfilled before the switch can be made. Contact us today!

Dates and Reminders to Be Aware of:

January 5 - February 15, 2024:

Choose Your New Provider

This is your golden window to shop around for electricity providers. CGE Renewables can help you to compare plans and competitive rates from providers entering the Lubbock market.

February 17 – March 3, 2024:

Still Time to Shop for Providers Prevent a Provider of Last Resort!

If you don’t choose an energy provider during this period, a default provider will be assigned to you which may provide a higher rate. It’s in your best interest to find a new provider during this time frame.

Customers will not have the option to stay with LP&L.

March 4 – April 4, 2024:

Transition Period

Your switch from Lubbock Power & Light to your new energy provider will happen smoothly between March 4 and April 2, 2024. You won’t lose power and after enrolling nothing else is required on your behalf. Just keep an eye out for billing information from your selected provider.

Customers will receive their FINAL LP&L bills – New suppliers will begin billing in April 2024.

What Happens if I Don’t Meet the Deadline?

If you miss the March deadline, you may be assigned a Provider of Last Resort (POLR) which may charge a higher energy rate. Before or anytime after the deadline, you still have the opportunity to switch to an energy provider of your choice. Contact a CGE Renewables agent to help you get started. Please note that if you were assigned a provider from the POLR list, you may have to fulfill the terms of the contract with that provider before making the switch. Talk to your provider about the term conditions to prevent possible termination fees or have CGE Renewables contact them on your behalf.

Need Help Choosing a New Provider?

CGE Renewables specializes in energy auditing and providing the most efficient and economical choice for customers. Contact one of our specialists today and we’ll help guide you in the right direction for your energy needs. Remember, March 3, 2024 is the deadline to choose an energy provider. If you don’t, a default provider may be chosen for you which could lead to a higher rate!
Linda Herrera (Agent): 718-696-0126
Peter Bates (Agent): 718-696-0135