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Green Energy Market Trends in 2022

green energy market trends
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Wondering what to be on the lookout for regarding green energy in 2022? We’ll discuss how the industry is shifting and its impact on clean energy moving forward. Green energy is produced from natural resources like the sun, water, or wind.These energy resources aren’t harmful to the environment like fossil fuels are. According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), fossil fuels emit about 60% of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Top Trends to Look Out for in 2022

With more companies embracing green energy to conserve the environment, it seems that the market will continue to grow consistently. Here are the top green energy market trends to expect in 2022.

Energy Storage Systems in a Distributed Environment

Distributed storage system for energy centralizes green energy storage and generation, reducing output irregularities. Startups in 2022 will provide various battery and battery-less options based on cost and other factors. Flow batteries are generally light and have a high power density. Battery prices have been relatively high — the cost of a kWh of energy was $1,200 in 2009 but has dropped to around $200 in 2016. Startups are developing battery-less storage options like compressed air and pumped hydro technologies in response to discharge, environmental contamination, and safety concerns. Excess energy, however, is transformed to other types of energy, like methane or heat, and then stored and reconverted using Power-to-X technology.

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

The energy grid has super complex infrastructures that require swift decision-making, thanks to AI algorithms and big data for enabling utilities to achieve it. AI’s uses in the green market go beyond grid management and analytics to add power demand predictions and maintenance of green energy sources. It also allows the internet of energy applications to estimate grid capacity levels and conduct time-based automated pricing and trading. Virtual power plants complement utility-generated electricity thanks to advances in cloud computing. In addition, machine learning and data analytics is the future of green energy in 2022 used by companies to build and analyze green energy models.

Ultra-Modern Photovoltaic (PV)

Solar enterprises integrate PV systems into every part of our environment, reducing further land-use requirements. Consequently, integrated PV, agrivoltaics, and photovoltaic developments are logical. Entrepreneurs are also developing Thin-film cells to form solar panels that are more flexible, lightweight, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. Emerging firms are developing solutions to focus on solar energy using lenses and mirrors to increase PV performance. These advancements in 2022 will be complemented with photovoltaic designs that provide optimal productivity and efficiency. When combined, these solutions will enhance sustainability by promoting resource efficiency, recycling, and the use of alternative materials.


The energy obtained from flowing water is known as hydropower. Unlike wind and solar, hydro energy is consistent and therefore more dependable. Ocean-based energy and hydroelectric dams, derived from tides, waves, and currents, provide high power density while minimizing reliance on traditional sources. Energy components and converters upgrade for a more effective energy harvesting focus on these green energy sources’ advances. Hydroelectric dams enable distributed energy production in hydropower. In 2022 you’ll see green energy trends whereby firms are also converting the saltwater created by the change in pressure between river water and ocean water into useable electricity.

Wind Energy

Despite being one of the earliest energy sources, the wind power industry is continuously changing, making it one of the primary trends. Innovators are developing offshore and flying wind turbines to minimize inland wind energy. Alternative energy sources, like tidal energy and floating wind turbines, are frequently integrated into this field’s advancements. One of the current issues in the business is the long-term viability of blade materials. Entrepreneurs are developing bladeless technology and recyclable materials for blade manufacturing to combat this.

Explore Green Energy Solutions for Your Business

Organizations switch to sustainable and clean energy to comply with environmental regulations and combat climate change. Moreover, green energy is cheaper for businesses compared to using fossil fuels. Looking for green energy solutions for your company? Contact us for information about relevant solutions that can meet your criteria easily.

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